sábado, 5 de abril de 2014

Autor: Juan Carlos Molina El Docente Universitario 2.0: Innovación y Creatividad en la Formación de Competencias Tecnológicas Los docentes constituyen una pieza fundamental dentro del proceso de formación de los individuos. Los avances del mundo social y dinámico, representan constantemente desafíos para desarrollar competencias que le permitan innovar y ser creativos. Por ello, se consideran profesionales orientados en la construcción, desarrollo y avance de la sociedad para garantizar el acceso a la “Educación sin fronteras”. Esta producción intelectual se desarrolló como un estudio documental que permitió abordar el rol del profesor tomando en cuenta la evolución de la tecnología educativa, enmarcándose en las herramientas de la Web 2.0. Como principal contribución destaca la actitud del docente universitario frente a la necesidad de actualización de sus métodos, las estrategias didácticas, la evaluación de los aprendizajes, el empleo correcto, reflexivo y valorizado de las TIC como herramientas de apoyo en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje para asumir una reflexión de su praxis pedagógica; con el fin de entender el hecho educativo como un proceso complejo, dinámico y social que incorpora las competencias tecnológicas que integran la labor de aula a las nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación. Palabras Claves: TIC, Docente, Competencias Tecnológicas. The University Teaching 2.0: Innovation and Creativity Skills Training Technology Abstrac Teachers are a fundamental part of the training process of individuals. The progress of social and dynamic world, constantly it represent challenges to develop competencies to innovate and be creative. Therefore, are consider oriented professionals in the construction, development and progress of society to ensure access to the "Education without borders". This intellectual production was developed as a desk study that allowed addressing the role of the teacher taking into account the evolution of educational technology, framing itself in the Web 2.0 tools. The main contribution it’s the attitude of university teachers address the need to update their methods, teaching strategies, assessment of learning, the right job, thoughtful and valued of TIC as support tools in the teaching-learning process to assume a reflection of their teaching practice, in order to understand the educational event as a complex process that incorporates social dynamic and technological skills that integrate classroom work to new information and communication technologies. Keywords: TIC, Teaching, Virtual Education, Technological Skills



Race Computer Engineering and Systems features comprehensively cover all processes automation and computerization needed for economic and social development.
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miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Use and integration of learning platforms in universities.

                                 Rangel Perez Irama

Use and integration of learning platforms in universities.

The importance of technologies in all aspects of modern life, and in education in particular, is indisputable. The knowledge and accessibility offered by these resources are breaking down time-space barriers, and e-learning or virtual learning are now tools of knowledge management. At university, e-learning continues to expand, and many now have their own virtual courses and campuses.. The aim of this study is to analyse these platforms of educational knowledge management, specifying their virtual qualities and limitations .The experimental implementation of virtual learning platforms among student groups at universities in Venezuela allows us to extract information about the opportunities offered by these new e-learning resources.

The actual sample of this study consists of 967 students from the Universities of Barquisimeto, Caracas, Trujillo and Maracay.

The sample of teachers, are about 941 of them the same cities.  

 Concludes that the satisfaction with the various resources contained in digital platforms depends on the educational use of its equipment.
Teachers and students generally agree in identifying main changes brought about by the use of their platforms in the following subjects: communication between teacher-student, student participation, self-employment, and to a lesser extent, are also manifested changes in academic performance.


    Virtual learning platforms, e-learning, didactic use of ICT, University, virtualization, students, teachers, academic, technologies, educational.

   Uso e integración de plataformas de teleformación en universidades.

    La importancia de las tecnologías en todos los aspectos de la vida moderna, y en la educación, en particular, es indiscutible. El conocimiento y la accesibilidad que ofrecen estos recursos se están rompiendo las barreras del tiempo y del espacio, y el e-learning o aprendizaje virtual son ahora las herramientas de gestión del conocimiento. En la universidad, e-learning sigue creciendo, y muchos ahora tienen sus propios cursos y campus virtuales. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar estas plataformas de gestión del conocimiento educativo, especificando sus cualidades virtuales y limitaciones. La aplicación experimental de la enseñanza en plataformas virtual entre los grupos de estudiantes en las universidades de Venezuela nos permite extraer información sobre las oportunidades que ofrecen estos nuevos recursos de aprendizaje electrónico.

 La muestra real de la presente investigación está constituida por 967 estudiantes de algunas Universidades de Barquisimeto, Caracas, Trujillo and Maracay.

 La muestra de los profesores, son de  unos 941 en las mismas ciudades.

    Se concluye, que la satisfacción respecto a los diferentes recursos digitales contenidos en las plataformas depende del uso didáctico que de ella se haga.
    Profesores y estudiantes, en general, coinciden en identificar como principales cambios producidos por el uso de plataformas en sus asignaturas los siguientes: la comunicación entre profesor-alumno, la participación de los estudiantes, el trabajo autónomo, y en menor grado, se manifiestan también cambios en el rendimiento académico.
    Palabras Claves.
    Las plataformas virtuales de aprendizaje, e-learning, el uso didáctico de las TIC, la Universidad, la virtualización, estudiantes, profesores, académicos, tecnologías.

sábado, 29 de marzo de 2014


In order to promote participation in the construction of comprehensive , interdisciplinary educational projects using educational tools to interrelate the dialogue and exchange of knowledge of the interests of participants in a context defined recurring problem in virtual environments through e -learning , these tools is the product of a collection of social and educational experiences of teachers in the Department of Man and Environment, Universidad Nacional experimental de Guayana , who acted as the sample selected, based on their specific characteristics by development of methodology " participation and action " , projecting consistent results through the collective construction of knowledge in the application of sketch recognition of territorial , star of context, problem tree , objective tree , partner program , the star of projects and classification matrices , the projection of a socialization of the products to systematize the process for submission of the final results.

Keywords: E -learning, educational project , participatory development , pedagogical tools .

jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

Design of a Waste Separating Machine

The following research was developed in the framework of a draft environmental care, as one of the links where it was to perform the separation of waste in a public place like UCLA, the University to sensitize people about the separation of waste that there are handled. An example of a design of a similar machine was conducted by Prof. Enrique Limongi (2004) on the UCV, in which a mechanical structure design of the machine was performed. Before starting the design were identified and the physical and chemical waste features handling the University community , as a consequence of this study sufficient data were studied similarity and differences between obtained waste , to make the selection of how that would be achieved separated from each other . After defining the mechanisms of separation of waste using, he proceeded to structural mechanical design of the machine, for this first drawing sheets were made of each section of the machine and assembly thereof, then proceed to make of the theoretical calculations and finally the materials are selected for each section of the machine. The research method used was feasible project. Note that when selecting waste materials a survey was conducted to the University community which was the most common residues in the deanery of Science and Technology and all were interviewed 100 students. The results of this study demonstrated that can automatically remove the most common waste campus and this contributes to the preservation of the environment. Finally is recommended the construction of the machine with the materials specified in the project and place one in each college dean.

Keywords: Machine, Drawing, Sheets, Structural Mechanisms, Waste.

Participante: Juben Gómez.

miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

Blended Learning and the Development of Transversal Competences

Alexander Gallardo


Factors that go from the simple need of learning, competitiveness and the incidents of globalization are distinguished in the development of the transversal competences facing the permanent learning throughout life. This generality allows us to introduce ourselves in the needs of our own growth as human beings, and land in the specificity of the probable tools to educational adapted methodologies to virtual education. But only with e-learning tools, it would be very complicated to develop competences. Few people would be able to learn to negotiate by reading a monitor, or to direct a high performance team just by participating in a forum. It is more frequently observed in those who have the responsibility of educating, how they go from pure e-learning models to mixed learning models in which they combine the presence and active participation of the person with the on-line resource; these last ones are called Blended Learning or B-learning models. This research was raised to evaluate and determine the impact of the B-learning in the development and adhesion of transversal competences in students of the Specialization of Business Management. The type of investigation employed was descriptive and with a design of a field research. Three types of questionnaires and a simple direct observation were used, which provided the input to construct the indicators which allowed the measurement of the effectiveness of the educational model applied in this graduate course. The recommendations are outlined at the end for a convenient transformation of the curricular design used in the approach of the Profile by Competences.

Key words: E-learning, B-learning, Learning, Transversal Competences, Profile by Competences, Indicators.

Virtual Learning Environments in the EFL primary classroom

Virtual Learning Environments in the EFL primary classroom:
A learning technology resource to reinforce language acquisition and practice.

Miguel A. Pérez R.
Bachelor's Degree in Teaching EFL

Technology devices are already part of young learners’ lives in most parts of the world. From a very young age, in Venezuela, they are given “Canaima” laptops which have a Canaima GNU/Linux Operative System. A Canaima laptop is a school laptop based on free software which has been developed by Venezuelans for Venezuelans. Through these “Canaimas”, young learners can learn about the subjects they are studying and also go online using WiFi. The purpose of this project is to take advantage of that WiFi feature to incorporate a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) as part of a Blended Learning approach to teaching English as a Foreign Language. This study has been conceived as a feasible project in a population of thirty-four primary students from “República de Nicaragua” Primary School in San Felipe, Yaracuy State, Venezuela. Ad hoc instruments were developed for the diagnosis and design phases. After determining the feasibility of this learning technology, subject content was identified and selected to be included in the VLE. The first result showed the need for the VLE, and the feasibility phase pointed out that physical, human and technical conditions were ideal for the creation and design of this project. The second result allowed the researcher to establish that a VLE is viable concerning content, methodology, technology and interface design.

Key words: VLE, EFL, primary, technology, learning, language, Canaima, project
Yamileth Pastora Lucena López
Doctora en Gerencia Avanza de la Universidad “Fermín Toro”, Venezuela. Profesora Ordinaria de la Universidad Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado’ (UCLA) y de la Universidad Nacional Abierta (UNA)


The role of the teacher of Distance Education (EAD) and identification with this modality is a fundamental basis for maintaining the dynamics involves consolidating a student, not always adult, self-directed learning . It is also important to note that this role is not limited to academics, but includes research and extension, which warrants a comprehensive choice that corresponds to the profile to develop based teachers (regular or contracted ) of social action. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to compare the professional expectations of  the Academic Adviser of  the Local Center Lara, with the theoretical essentials on the Roll of an Adviser at a distance. Specific case: National Open University (UNA). Field investigation of type correlative. The population was thirty five (35) Academic Advisers of the Local Center Lara to whom the questionnaire was applied in scale Likert. It was used in addition to the descriptive statistics, the "t" Student and the linear interrelation of Pearson by means of the formula product moment. It was determined that a significant statistical incidence exists between the variables after contrasting the dimensions of the dependent variable: Essentials of the Roll of the Academic Adviser with the independent variable: Professional Expectations of the Academic Adviser.

Describers: Academic Adviser . Professional Expectations of the Academic Adviser at Distance. Essentials of the Roll of the Academic Adviser at Distance.

Yamileth Pastora Lucena López
Doctora en Gerencia Avanza de la Universidad “Fermín Toro”, Venezuela. Profesora Ordinaria de la Universidad Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado’ (UCLA) y de la Universidad Nacional Abierta (UNA)


 El rol del docente de la Educación a Distancia (EAD) y su identificación con esta modalidad constituye una base fundamental para mantener la dinámica que implica consolidar en un educando, no siempre adulto, el aprendizaje autodirigido. También es importante destacar que, este rol no sólo se limita al área académica, sino que incluye la investigación y la extensión, lo que amerita la escogencia de un personal docente (ordinario o contratado) integral que se corresponda con el perfil a desarrollar en función de su acción social. Por ello, el propósito del estudio consistió en comparar las expectativas profesionales del Asesor Académico del Centro Local Lara, con los fundamentos teóricos sobre el Rol de un Asesor a distancia. Caso Específico: Universidad Nacional Abierta (UNA). Investigación de campo de tipo correlacional. La población fue treinta y cinco (35) Asesores Académicos del Centro Local Lara a quienes se les aplicó el cuestionario en escala Likert. Se empleó además de la estadística descriptiva, la "t" Student y la correlación lineal de Pearson mediante la fórmula producto momento. Se determinó que existe una significativa incidencia estadística entre las variables al contrastarse las dimensiones de la variable dependiente: Fundamentos del Rol del Asesor Académico con la variable independiente: Expectativas Profesionales del Asesor Académico.

Descriptores: Asesor Académico. Expectativas Profesionales del Asesor Académico a Distancia. Fundamentos del Rol del Asesor Académico a Distancia.

martes, 25 de marzo de 2014


Distance education has gained ground in the teaching-learning process leading to determine the importance of training teachers in new knowledge in various fields, such as: educational - instructional and technological , for the optimal development of teaching work in e -learning , and seeking to attract remote interaction and active reflection to construct meaningful knowledge to the participants. In this process, communication is a central element, the teacher, in the role of tutor promoted through the use of different elements defined for it, embedded in the Virtual Learning Environment. In this sense, teachers must assume a new role, which will result in being resource guide and facilitator to guide student’s active participants in their own learning process.
The study is based on three ( 3) important areas : (i ) teacher training , which has to do with changing paradigms , teaching strategies , and learning style ( ii ) Instructional training , related to the virtual environment, and ( iii ) technology training , being associated with the knowledge of the different tools and technologies provided by the internet .

Importancia de la Capacitación del Docente Universitario para la E-learning

La educación a distancia,  ha ganado espacios  en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje lo que lleva a determinar  la importancia de capacitar a los docentes en nuevos saberes en diversos ámbitos, tales como; pedagógicos-instruccionales y tecnológicos, para el desarrollo óptimo del quehacer docente en la e-learning, buscando así  generar la interacción a distancia y la reflexión activa para la construcción de conocimientos significativos para los participantes. En este proceso, la comunicación es un elemento central, que el docente, en su rol de tutor promueve a través del uso de los diferentes elementos definidos para ello,  incorporados en el Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizaje. En este sentido, los docentes deberán asumir un nuevo rol, el cual se traducirá en ser guía y facilitador de recursos que orienten a alumnos activos que participan en su propio proceso de aprendizaje.

El estudio se basa en tres (3) ámbitos importantes;  (i) capacitación pedagógica, que tiene que ver con el cambio de paradigmas, estrategias de enseñanzas, y estilo de aprendizaje (ii) capacitación Instruccional; relacionada con el ambiente virtual y (iii) capacitación tecnológica; está relacionado con el conocimiento de las diferentes herramientas y tecnologías facilitadas por el internet.

Por. Yexssibeth Rodríguez Bonilla

Building an Inclusive Definition of E-Learning: An Approach to the Conceptual Framework




The term E-learning refers of the new dynamic that characterizes educational systems al the start of the 21st century. Like society, the concept of e-learning is subject to constant change. In addition, it is difficult to come up with a single definition of e-learning that would be accepted by the majority of the scientific community. The different understandings of e-learning are conditioned by particular professional approaches and interests.
An international project, based on the participation of experts around the world, was undertaken to agree on a definition of e-learning. To this end, two main research activities were carried out. First, an extensive review was conducted of the literature on the concept of e-learning, drawing form peer-reviewed journals, specialized web pages, and books. Second, a Delphi survey was sent out to gather the opinions of recognized experts in the field of education and technology regarding the concept of e-learning with a view to reaching a final consensus.
A variety of definitions are used to assess E-learning. Each has its advantages and drawbacks. This paper presents the outcomes of the project, which has resulted in an inclusive definition of E-learning subject to high degree of consensus that will provide a useful conceptual framework to further identify the different models in which e-learning is developed and practiced.
Keywords: E-learning; definitions; distance education; technology-enhanced education

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Moodle as a technology platform for e-learning

Williams Rivas


Long ago, the e-learning was focused as principal educational methodology for teach many people
using the Internet and communication technologies. In this research Moodle is proposed as
default technology platform for designing e-learning courses and to secure students can learn
easily. Moodle is defined as software to help teachers to teach and students to learn from
anywhere in the world and using devices such as computer, phone, tablet. Moodle consists of
several components: forums, email, chats, evaluations, repositories for upload multimedia
resources, word, excel and PowerPoint files, design of mind maps and exportation resources to
another web. The Key aspects of management can be listed as follows: specialized installation and
configuration, software and tools like as forums, questions and answers, evaluations. The study of
investigation for select Moodle as technologic platform was done according to the procedure of
Smith (1973) and the initial sample consisted of 200 students and 5 teachers with 5 different
courses and the following factors: how much knowledge learned for students? Cost of inversion in
this methodology and the results were compared with the same variables but with traditional

Keywords moodle, e-learning, internet, hardware, software, technology, technologic platform,
computer, phone, tablet, forums, email, chats, evaluation, quiz, virtual education, word, excel,
power point, slideshare, mind map

domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014


ATutor as elearning platforms in Universities

ATutor is a plataform, Learning Content Management Sistem (LCMS), is defined like a plataform of easy acceso, especially developed for persons with disabilities, this platform is known for meeting the standards for accessibility. Its Interface can change in agreement at user, them can be like a administrator, teacher or student, was created at 2002 in Canada in associetion with  Adaptive Technology Resource Centre (ATRC) of the Toronto University. The research is realised through of created a list of 1205 University of America, Europe and Australia, all the Universities utilized plataform E-learning at the study. the results obtained is that ATutor is utilized by 1,9%.

Keywords: ATutor, E-learning, Plataform, Learning Content Management Sistem (LCMS),

By: Clara Manrique

Student Role in Distance Education

The recent introduction and use of technology in that had caused it to rethink traditional ways of teaching and learning. The incorporation of Information technology and communication (ITC) in education at any educational level requires a new role of the teacher and student, both share the responsibility of building learning.
The use of ITC has enabled the student learning is achieved in interactive environments involved to take responsibility for their own learning and is starring in his own training.
According to the magazine Andragogy and Distance Education indicates that the student participating in a virtual education program should also develop some special skills that allow you to take full advantage of the educational strategies defined by their teacher. The student as the teacher must have sufficient skills and knowledge in managing ITC .

To conclude the learner has no choice, have freedom to maneuver, have control over how you learn. But beware of thinking in distance education there are no clear rules, no external controls and that the teacher is only a figurehead. Student autonomy does not imply the absence of time commitments, responsibilities or, to put it otherwise, deadlines or deadlines.

Keywords: Distance Education, Teacher, Student, e-learning, Virtual Education, ITC

Role of the tutor in e-learning .

Role of the tutor in e-learning .
The  "b -learning" and "e -learning" models are common and have greater acceptance in the "distance learning " , where the last one (e -learning) is a major challenge for both the student and the teacher , and that takes place in a process of " learning and teaching " 100 % remotely.

While the student is perceived as the main role in any process of education, the teacher also plays a very important role. On the back of the teacher has the responsibility to investigate , design and create teaching materials to teach their students , but within the e -learning , the teacher must be a person who motivates and monitors all activities performed by the students, Moreover, the teacher is the one who must create a dynamic environment that encourages " participation and learning " of the group that he is responsibly of.

Jose Andres Sobrino in its publication " Virtual Tutor" (2008 ) , highlights the role that a virtual teacher should play as " ...should guide students to become aware of the characteristics of distance learning and reflect on the efforts and benefits of the modality to conduct a self-learning process .... "

Keywords: b-lea rning, e-learning, Tutor, Distance Learning, Virtual Tutor, Self-Learning process, Learning process , Virtual teacher, Virtual Student

Rol del tutor en la educación a distancia.

Dos de las modalidades con más demanda en la educación a distancia son la modalidad b-learning y la modalidad e-learning, donde esta última (e-learning) supone un mayor reto tanto para el estudiante como para el docente, ya que se realiza en un proceso de aprendizaje y enseñanza 100% a distancia.

Si bien el estudiante se percibe como el papel principal en todo proceso de educación, también el docente juega un papel de gran peso. Sobre el docente recae la responsabilidad en investigar, diseñar, crear un
material didáctico para enseñarlo a sus estudiantes, pero dentro del e-learning el docente debe ser una persona que motiva y hace seguimiento a todas las actividades realizadas por los estudiantes, por otra parte, el docente es quien debe generar un ambiente dinámico y que propicie la participación y aprendizaje del grupo que está bajo su responsabilidad.

José Andres Sobrino en su publicación “Tutor Virtual” (2008), resalta el rol que debe desempeñar un docente virtual como “…debe orientar al alumno para que tome conciencia de las características del aprendizaje a distancia y reflexione sobre los esfuerzos y ventajas de la modalidad para poder llevar a cabo un proceso de autoaprendizaje...”.

Palabras Claves: b-learning, e-learning, Tutor, Educación a Distancia, Tutor Virtual , Proceso de auto aprendizaje, Proceso de Aprendizaje , Tutor Virtual, Estudiante Virtual

Terminology for the different types of e-learning modality


Researchers face serious difficulties in making comparisons. Specifically in research associated with the field of distance education can be even more difficult to use, as there are different contexts with a variety of features. We used a mixed-methods analysis of research articles to find out how users define the learning environment. In addition, we surveyed 943 people and found that there was an inconsistent use of terminology for the different types of delivery modes. The results reveal that there are different expectations and perceptions of learning environment

distance education, e-learning, learning environment, online learning, ontology